
To: JPotter
From: PWitter
Subject: Anything?

Did you hear anything yet?

I talked to Jen and Jack who apparently got in to both B.U. and Boston Bay College. Did you know that already? If you get into Worthington, you guys would be pretty close to each other, huh?

I could be down with living in Boston...

By the way - I heard Belinda McGovern and Chris Wolfe got into Emory. Remind me to stay as far away from Georgia as possible...


To: PWitter
From: JPotter
Subject: Re: Anything?

Nope. No word yet. But don't jinx it, Pace, by planning or talking about it. If I get my hopes up about Worthington, I know I'll just be crushed when that thin envelope arrives...

I did hear about Jack and Jen. It's pretty great for the two of them. If we could all be so lucky...

I mean if Belinda and Chris Wolfe are getting into college, shouldn't we all be allowed in?


To: JPotter
From: PWitter
Subject: Plan

Ok - well if we can't plan the future, we could try to plan the present. Want to hang out tonight?


To: PWitter
From: JPotter
Subject: Re: Plan

Pace - I wish I could. Bessie and Bodie are going out to dinner and I said I'd babysit Alexander. You could come over here if you wanted... You know how much Alexander loves you! :)


To: JPotter
From: PWitter
Subject: Re: Re: Plan

Be right over! He goes to bed early, right? :)

To: JPotter
From: PWitter
Subject: Good Old Fashioned Fun

You up for some???


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